Outer Regions

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Outer Regions Synopsis

It is a time of peace for the Federation and the Alpha Quadrant. A time to rebuild, reflect and once more prosper after lengthy and costly conflicts.

Through Non-Aggression and Friendship Accords with the Romulan Star Empire and the Cardassian Union, these once bitter enemies have become allies and the Neutral Zone and the Demilitarized Zone are now obsolete, consigned to the past in this new era of co-operation and peaceful co-existence.

New frontiers are once more being explored and new life and new civilisations are being discovered; the newly refitted USS Nelson is at the extreme edge of known space, its mission is to explore the outer regions.

However a long forgotten dark and evil equal of the Prophets awakens on Bajor and with its host chosen its desire for revenge will leave devastation in its wake, and threatens the fragile stability of the Alpha Quadrant.

For the Bajoran Captain of the USS Nelson, a deeply personal attack will herald the start of his role. Unknown but foretold in an ancient prophecy over 30 millennia ago in the ancient legends of Bajor. What is not foretold is who will triumph, and the whole of the Alpha Quadrant and beyond is at stake.

The peace is about to be broken. Battle lines are being drawn. The time of The Reckoning is at hand.

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Star Trek: Outer Regions is produced by DRAW Films and all related images, materials and productions are a purely not-for-profit fan production. © 2011.